As a student of Horsemanship myself for over 20 years, a former Pony Club Member, and Hunter Jumper competitor I have always sought out a better way to get along with horses “naturally”.  In as much as I’ve learned about body language and used many tools to try to understand horses more, there still seemed to be something that was missing in my training. Once I started to tuning in to the pain/behavior relationship I realized horses can’t be relaxed when in pain or in stress.

Therefore, my main motivation for starting my company is to try to help as many horses as possible feel more comfortable (out of pain, anxiety, stress) and to be more relaxed.  Just as the Horseman at the Fair are so in tune with their horses, it is my goal that people can learn to appreciate that a horse that is not in pain and less stressed.  A horse that is relaxed is going to want to be with you more, and be easier to train and further, want to be trained.

After trying the Cosmic Comfort Eq products on hundreds of horses over the last year and a half I have seen amazing instant results in relaxation of all the horses, all different breeds and disciplines, within the first 5-10 minutes of applying the products. It feels almost like the horses are thanking me for putting it on them. This is my way of Attuning to them. I’m acknowledging a need in our horses to want to feel relaxed, like they do when they are in a herd eating grass, for example.  Horses do not want to be high strung and nervous or spooky.


I have seen a great reduction in spookiness, to almost nothing on my own horses.  I am finally riding again after a long break because I lost confidence from riding so many spooky horses.  Riding spooky horses was no longer enjoyable. Since I started using the products on my horses, I’m now riding consistently again and jumping, which I hadn’t done in almost 20 years! I even was riding my daughter’s green 7 year old.  It has been a much more enjoyable riding experience riding a relaxed and confident horse.